I’m going to start by giving a huge shout out to the amazing church family and Sunday School class we have!  When I look at our party invite list well over 70 percent of them are from Trinity Presbyterian Church.  While they might be church people, they are also delightfully fun people.

When our church first moved to online services, there was a big question about communion.  Alex and I thought it would be fun to share a little Trinity love with our closest Sunday School friends.  The “Body of Christ” at Trinity is usually loaves of Kings Hawiian Bread. (It really does make a perfect and dramatic looking break when those lovely round loaves are split in half.)  We took a recipe that was made for 3 loaves and split it into 6.

Instead of the Presby grape juice we paired the bread with some Bouglais we still had left from our Death & Vodka party at the end of February.  

We packaged everything up in pastel ribbon and delivered it to the doorsteps of our friends!

The response was really positive, and as our church announced we would be doing online communion in May we decided to look at how to expand this to our entire class, staff members with whom our girls have a strong relationship, and some members that needed an extra pick me up.  

I made some slight modifications to the bread recipe.  For one, I was running low on dry active yeast, so I switched it out for instant yeast. This has the side benefit of using a little less yeast.  I also added a little bit of kneading to the loaf forming. (The recipe with modifications noted is below).   Since this was a much larger group, and we we’re running low on red wine (I prefer Chardonnay) I introduced the less fun but cheaper and more versatile grape juice pack.  Our super pastor dropped off communion cups and everyone helped bag up the juice pouch with communion cups based on the number of people in the family.  We were also excited that the bread could fit in the same bags we used to package up cookies… no more plastic wrap!  

We do have some members of the church that need vegan friendly or gluten free.  I made a loaf of vegan friendly french bread and gluten free “bowl bread”.  

Once everything was packaged up… we delivered 22 Sacrament in Place bags and were overwhelmed with the response.  

I was amazed at the love and gratitude that we received!   It’s a great joy to be able to share this small little thing we enjoy with others in such a meaningful way!  We’re sad we won’t be communing with our church family the first weekend of June, but we can’t wait to do this again and share it with even more Trinity members.

