(If you don’t hear Tevey from Fiddler on the Roof singing it, you’re doing it wrong)

“We don’t even have an ELF on the Shelf,” was my first thought to the suggestion that I write a blog about all the Cesarz (Texas Edition) traditions.  Except for Rico, we don’t have a lot of unique family traditions during the holidays.  We have Easter baskets on Easter, Turkey at Thanksgiving, a Tree at Christmas and celebrate Independence Day with Shiner and “Songs About Texas” (you’re thinking about the other one… yeah we eat hotdogs and watch fireworks too). When you define tradition using the  Miriam Webster dictionary: “the transmission of customs or beliefs from generation to generation, or the fact of being passed on in this way,” I’m not sold that we have a laundry list of them. But, if I look at it in terms of the generally accepted “gist” of traditions as “things you do intentionally as a family over time” or rituals then yeah, we have a bunch.  Some we started intentionally trying to find a way to build a strong sense of unity as we built a new blended family.  Some are relatively new and are a result of trying to make the most of a corona driven quarantine. Others just evolved over time into something that just kind of stuck, and we all enjoy.  Like many things, we have some traditions that have lasted for over 15 years, some that had a short place in time that worked for a while but have fallen by the wayside, and some that dropped off our radar and have made their way back into our routine.  Rather than turn a single blog into a marathon read and something I would never finish writing, thus effectively ending this little experiment as soon as it began; I’m going to brainstorm them here and come through and write on each of them over time.  Feel free to comment if you think I’ve missed one!

Romantic Dinner Night

Dinner and a Movie

Friday Night Pizza

Friday Music Night

Pony UP…. Caroline’s game day looks and queso

Pumpkin Patch Pics brought to you by the HEB and Mom’s Birthday Calendar

Torture Tuesday



           The never-ending Christmas Eve

           Christmas morning fattening feast

           Christmas dinner is in the Evening!

Father’s Day (this one will be short)

Thanksgiving- DO NOT MESS with the MENU

Valentine’s X2

All the little meals (Fancy Dinner, Japanese Dinner, etc.)

Pre-party dinner

Broncos v Chargers Battle Royale

Taco… Sunday

New Year’s Post Hangover Party

The ONLY Graduation Present


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